On Wednesday, October 30th, 2015, New Hope Academy’s Chess Club went to see the movie Pawn Sacrifice. Nine students went in total, along with Bela, the chess teacher; Dan, a graduate from New Hope Academy; and Kathy Rosso-Gana, the founder of the school.
All the students met in Bela’s room at 11:15, where they went over a game by chess player Bobby Fischer. They then left for the movie at around 11:45, meeting Dan and Kathy when they got there. The movie, Pawn Sacrifice, is a biography about Bobby Fischer, who was the first American to become the world chess champion, or, in other words, the best player in the world. The movie shows him growing up as a kid, along with his mental illness. Bobby Fischer achieved his world champion title in 1972, but resigned from it in 1975 because he refused to play.
After they watched the movie, the students arrived back at the school at 2:40. About half of the students decided to stay late after school to talk about the movie and practice chess for the upcoming league. All of the students agreed that the movie was very good.