By: Chris Martin

On December 3rd, 2015, 9 students from New Hope Academy’s Yardley campus attended the Fall 2015 Rock Climbing Trip with Mark Beuerle and Caryn Search for a day of fun climbing walls with rocks. The students who attended, Eric Branchek, Alex Goodkind, Evan Meyers, Austin Makatura, Chris Martin, Taylor Cseplo, Nathan Tatar, Lexi McGinty and Eddie Karklis, couldn’t wait for the trip. The group went to the Doylestown Rock Gym as usual, located about 5 minutes from the Doylestown branch. All of the climbers started off climbing a practice wall that wraps around the backside of the building. Once everyone completed the practice wall, the climbing had finally begun! The main rock climbing area consisted of walls of different difficulties.

Each wall had a number rating between 0-14 depending on how difficult it was to climb them. There was a wide range of walls of different shapes and sizes. Some were a simple climb straight up to the top while others had you climb gigantic overhangs bulging out of the walls. Either way, every climb was a tough one, requiring lots of arm and leg strength and, of course, lots of brainpower. Each climber was given five climbs during their visit, and everyone successfully tacked all of their climbs one by one! Quite an accomplishment to be proud of, if I do say so myself.

After we left the Doylestown Rock Gym, our trip was still far from over. We enjoyed a fun filled ride, stopping at a local Wawa to refuel after exerting so much energy, and paid a visit to the staff and students over at the Doylestown campus during their lunch break. After a fun little visit following a fun little trip, we finally made our way back to Yardley, just in time for round-table.